The gifted children from Armenia performed in the Parliament of Malta

18 июля 2018 /
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The gifted children from Armenia performed in the Parliament of Malta — Мальтийский вестник

The gifted children from “Culture and Art” Foundation of Armenia performed in the Parliament of Malta on April 25th. Meri Musinyan (canon), Gevorg Stepanyan (duduk) and Vahram Hovhannisyan (vocals) played Armenian folk songs.

Hon. Anġlu Farrugia M.P., Speaker of the House of Representatives warmly welcomed the young musicians, praising their talents and wishing them further creative growth and success in their profession. Despite their tender age, the artists surprised the audience with their beautiful, harmonious and skillful performances.

Young musicians from Armenia and Malta performed in the church of St. Augustine and MCC of Malta

A concert of talented young musicians from Armenia and Malta took place in the church of St. Augustine in Valletta on April 27. Those gathered in a cozy room immediately plunged into atmosphere of mystery and privacy typical for old churches and set out to meet with art. Beautiful and diverse music, the masterpieces of world classics, folk songs and even jazz were heard.

Scholarship holders of the “Culture and Art” foundation qanonist Mery Musinyan, signer Vahram Hovhannisyan and pianist Elen Harutyunyan performed “Qele-Qele” by Komitas, an Armenian composer and folklorist. Dudukist Gevorg Stepanyan performed “Hovern enkan” by V.Hovsepyan. Helen Harutyunyan presented “Yerevan Jan” of Levon Malkhasyan, famous Armenian jazzman. In turn, the pianist Daphne Delikata played Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Musical Moment No.4 in E minor and a special guest of the concert, young but already famous pianist Dmitry Ishkhanov – “Widmung” by Schumann / Liszt. Famous Maltese composer Alexey Shor attended the concert. He was pleasantly surprised when the musicians performed his works among others. He was especially impressed to hear how his music sounded on qanun, Armenian traditional instrument.

On April 28 gifted children also performed in the Mediterranean Conference Center of Malta. They presented a new program in the historical complex built by the Maltese knights in 1574. Vocalist Raisa Marie Micallef and pianist Lizzie Anne Faure joined the musicians. The audience was admired by emotional, professional performance and personal charisma of young performers that created a mood of joy and celebration.

Elen Harutyunyan


– Please share your impressions about your trip to Malta…

It is my first visit to Malta, and I like it here very much. We have already visited an old city of Mdina and walked around Valetta. In Mdina the view from the observation deck was particularly memorable: the island was in your palms. But, I liked Valletta much more, it seems to be more comfortable for living.

As for our performances, I liked the concert in the church of St. Augustine most. I first played in such an atmosphere, the acoustics was amazing.

— You played the works of the Maltese composer Alexey Shor. What do you feel when you play his music?

— I did not know about Alexey Shore before, I got acquainted with his works when I started preparing for the festival and the Armenian Cultural Days in Malta. I want to say that this music is close to me, I understand it and I feel it. Different images always come to my mind during the performance.

By the way, the composer told me that he heard experienced musicians playing his works many times, but my performance was special. I am very pleased to hear these words from the maestro himself.

Mery Musinyan


— Please share your impressions about your trip to Malta…

— It is my second visit to Malta. I do like Valetta. The city is unusual, it looks like a fairy tale.

I really liked the festival of classical music, and I was especially impressed by the performance of Maxim Vengerov. I would like to get acquainted with him.

The most unusual was the acquaintance with the composer Alexey Shor. I performed his works on qanun. He really liked it, and he thanked me, noting that his works had never been played on qanun. It was very nice.

The festival gave me an opportunity to get to know young musicians. We exchanged contacts, and I hope that we will meet again many times.

Vahram Hovhannisyan

The gifted children from Armenia performed in the Parliament of MaltaVocal

— Please share your impressions about your trip to Malta…

— It is my first trip outside Armenia and I am very happy to visit Malta. I do like the seacoast and old Valetta. The very fact that I am on the island is impressive.

Most of all I liked violinist Ray Chen. He played very well and with energy. I even came up and introduced myself.

Gevorg Stepanyan


— Please share your impressions about your trip to Malta…

— I liked Malta’s nature very much. There is sea all around and unusual plants. I tried fish salads for the first time.

As to our performances, the concert in St. Augustine’s Church was most memorable. It is the second time that I am playing in the church and I cannot say why, but I really like to play in such a place. There is a special smell, atmosphere, duduk sounds differently.

Just as Vahram, I liked the violinist Ray Chen most. I have not heard of him before. And, I met and became friends with Dmitry Ishkhanov. He is a very good pianist, I hope, we will see each other more often.

Susanna Mkrtchyan

Head of the group

— It is the first time that children are participating in such an event, and this is a big responsibility for them. I want to say that the proposal to come to Malta with concerts within the framework of the Armenian Cultural Days was very unexpected, and, of course, a pleasant one.

We are very pleased with how it all went. It was a wonderful festival and well organized. The children were also given an opportunity to attend the evening concerts of famous musicians. They were very excited.

I also wanted to add that we are very glad to get to know Alexey Shor. We even managed to surprise him. Mary Musinian played his work on qanun. The maestro was so amazed that he even said jokingly: “Did I really write this?” It sounded beautifully, and it was original. It is a pleasure that the maestro liked the performance.

Raisa Marie Micallef


— Have you heard the Armenian traditional instruments before? What was your impression?

— Yes, I have heard qanun and duduk before, they are simply amazing. I’m really inspired by these instruments and I’m glad that I got to know them because in Malta we don’t have this kind of instruments.

Daphne Delicata


— Have you heard the Armenian traditional instruments before? What was your impression?

— No, I haven’t heard them before and for me it was really nice to have heard traditional instruments from another country which is not very common here in Malta.

Duduk has a really rich and beautiful sound, qanun is melodic, playful. I like them both.

Lizzie Anne Faure


— Have you heard the Armenian traditional instruments before? What was your impression?

— Personally, I have never heard Armenian music before and the first impression I had – oh, it’s beautiful, fantastic!

All musicians from Armenia are amazing. Mery with her qanun, Gevorg with duduk. The experience of playing with them is a pleasure.

Armenian instruments sound very rich and unusual. Listening to this music, I definitely would like to come to Armenia.

Alexey Shor


— I’m absolutely excited about the performances of the children. If there were more concerts, I would definitely come. They are absolutely amazing and charming young musicians, they perform excellently. It’s a pleasure to watch and listen. I think that they have a great future. I would like them to remain as happy and in love with music as they are now.

Метки статьи:

Armenian Cultural Days European Foundation for Support of Culture Valletta2018

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